Testing guide for Quick Actions Testing guide for Quick Actions

Testing guide for Quick Actions


Getting started

When making quick actions to send to customers via email and SMS, it is important to test those quick action links first to ensure that they operate properly. You can learn more about Quick Actions here. 

Things to look for

  1. Ensure the URL doesn’t have any unsubstituted variables like
    - qaToken={{ person.skio_qaToken|default:'' }}
    - /{{ person.skio_nextBillingActiveSubscriptionId|default:'' }}/
    - <productVariantId>
  2. Ensure the subscription is in the correct state - for example if you’re testing a reactivation, the subscription should be cancelled or if you’re swapping a product the same variant has to exist in the subscription to swap from.
  3. Test in a new incognito session
  4. Ensure you are logged in as the correct customer who owns that subscription. Use a magic link from dashboard to login as the customer.
  5. Use the Preview feature in the Quick Actions tool. Screenshot 2024-11-26 at 9.59.26 AM.png