Cohort retention dashboard Cohort retention dashboard

Cohort retention dashboard

Table of contents:


🎉 May 2024 updates  🎉

  • Added more subscriber-level metrics for custom date ranges
  • Added all-time subscriber level metrics
  • Added subscriber retention graphs
  • Added a daily overview table for subscribers
  • Added subscription level metrics for custom date ranges
  • Added a subscription daily and monthly overview table 
  • Improved the subscription retention graph with new tabs for tracking revenue by month, LTV by month, average order count (AOC) by month, total orders by onth, and average number of products in subscriptions by month
  • This dashboard is all about retention on both the subscription and subscriber levels.
  • The dashboard is broken up into two main sections: subscriber metrics and subscription metrics.
  • Within each of the two main sections, there is a custom date range block that allows you to track the value of subscribers and subscriptions within your chosen date range.
  • Below the custom date range areas are metrics for both subscribers and subscriptions that do not adhere to the date range and provide all-time values and retention.

Things to keep in mind

  • Dashboard filters
    • Use the calendar selector to change the date range for this dashboard.
  • Our dashboards update every 4 hours and will likely show a lag compared to Shopify for "today's" values.
  • Hovering over any metric name will display the metric's definition and hovering over the comparison % number will show the compare to value.
  • Want a walkthrough of the dashboard? Click the "i" icon button in the upper right hand to trigger a tutorial wizard.

Subscriber (custom dates) statistics

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  • Total subscribers (in period): The count of unique subscribers who had at least 1 active subscription in the date range selected.
    • Note: This count differs from total active subscribers because it includes subscribers who had an active subscription at one point in the date range and it changed to another status (eg. cancelled, failed)
  • Total active (subscribers): The count of unique subscribers who had an active subscription in the date range and remained active on the last day of the date range.
  • Total subscribers created: The count of unique subscribers who created their first subscription in the date range; excludes customers who reactivate a subscription or created a 2nd subscription.
  • Subscribers cancelled: The count of subscribers in the date range that cancelled their last active subscription and are no longer an active subscriber.
  • Total subscriptions created by these subscribers: The count of subscriptions created by subscribers who were active at one point in the date range.
  • Total revenue generated: The total revenue generated by subscribers from subscription orders in the date range; includes one-time add-on revenue.
  • Total orders processed: The sum total of subscription orders processed by subscriptions from subscribers in the date range selected.
  • Subscribers churn rate (%): The total number of subscribers who cancelled their last active subscription in the date range divided by the total count of subscribers who were active at one point in the date range.
  • Date range ARG: Average revenue generated (ARG) is the total revenue generated by subscription orders in the date range divided the total count of subscribers in the date range.
  • Date range AOC: Average order count (AOC) is the average order count of subscription orders processed in the date range divided by the total count of subscribers who were active at one point in the date range.
  • Date range AOV: The average order value (AOV) is is the total revenue generated by subscription orders in the date range divided the total count of subscription orders.

Subscriber daily graph

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  • Created: Count of unique subscribers who created their first subscription in the date range; excludes customers who reactivate a subscription or created a 2nd subscription.
  • Churned: Count of unique subscribers who cancelled their last active subscription and are no longer a subscriber.

All-time subscriber values

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  • All subscribers LTV: Lifetime average value (LTV) is the revenue generated from all subscription orders made at checkout or from recurring subscription orders across all time.
  • All subscribers AOC: Lifetime average order count (AOC) is the count of all subscription orders generated from all subscribers divided by the count of all subscribers across all time.
  • All subscribers AOV: Lifetime average order value (AOV) is the sum of all subscription order revenue divided by the total count of subscription orders.
  • 3 month LTV: 3 month lifetime value (LTV) is the total average revenue generated per subscriber in their first 3 months .
  • 6 month LTV: 6 month lifetime value (LTV) is the total average revenue generated per subscriber in their first 6 months from when their first subscription was created.
  • 9 month LTV: 9 month lifetime value (LTV) is the total average revenue generated across all subscription orders per subscriber in their first 9 months from when their first subscription was created.
  • Average days active: This is the average total of days a storefrontUser maintains at least one active subscription since their initial checkout order or subscription was created; this metric is not tied to a date range and will change over time.
  • Average subs: The average number of subscription lines created by subscribers over all time; a subscriber can have multiple subscriptions.
  • Average products: The total average of products in a subscription per subscriber defined as a subscription product line that was included in a subscription order; excludes onetime purchases made by subscribers, one-time add-ons, surprise and delight, as well products added when out of stock.

Daily subscriber cohort overview

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  • This table provides an overview of your subscribers performance since they were created (by their first subscription) broken down by day and by month.
  • Since this view is on the subscriber-level, if one of the subscribers created on this date purchases 1 or more additional subscriptions, the values of all their subscriptions will be aggregated for the subscriber.
  • Use this table to see the total value of all the subscriptions aggregated per subscriber or customer.


  • Cohort size: The count of new subscribers created in this period via their first subscription.
  • Total orders: A lifetime sum of subscription orders processed by this cohort of subscribers across all time as of today.
  • Total subs: Sum of all unique subscriptions created by this subscriber cohort across all time as of today.
  • Revenue: Sum of all subscription orders created by this subscriber cohort across all time as of today.
  • Churn rate: The % of subscribers who cancelled their last active subscription and have churned by this subscriber cohort across all time as of today.
  • AOV: A sum of all revenue from all subscription orders created by this subscriber cohort across all time as of today divided by the total count of subscription orders from this cohort.
  • LTV: A sum of all subscription order revenue created by this subscriber cohort across all time as of today divided by the total count of subscribers in this cohort.

Subscriber retention

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  • This retention graph provides aggregate values of all the subscriptions created by these subscribers so you can track the retention and value over time for subscribers created in a specific month.


  • Retention by month: retention counts as long as a subscriber maintains at least 1 active subscription.
  • Revenue by month: total sum of revenue from subscriptions orders generated by customer created in this month.
  • LTV by month: total sum of revenue from subscriptions orders generated by customer created in this month divided by the cohort size of that month.
  • AOC by month: total sum of subscriptions orders generated by subscribers created in this month divided by the cohort size of that month.
  • Orders by month: total sum of subscription orders generated from customers created in this cohort.
  • Avg num of subs: total average count of subscriptions (ignores status, just sum of unique subscriptionIds) by subscribers created in this month divided by the cohort size of that month.

Subscriber vs 1-time customer stats

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  • This table allows you to compare subscribers against one-time customers in any custom date range.
  • Customers are defined as a subscriber or a one-time customer. Subscribers are any customer that ever had a subscription in Skio (even if it's now cancelled); one-time customers have never had a subscription.
  • Total orders and revenue processed include both one-time orders and subscription orders.
  • For the LTV (lifetime value) calculation, Skio ingests the total spend value per customer from Shopify which means this metric includes an average of all orders since the start of your Shopify store (even before launching with Skio). 


  • Total customers: The count of customers who had an order process in the date range grouped by their type; a subscriber is defined as a customer who has ever had a subscription, even if it is no longer active.
  • Total orders processed: The total count of orders processed in Shopify by one-time customers, subscribers, or both.
  • Total revenue generated: The total sum of revenue generated by all orders in Shopify, including both subscription and one-time purchased.
  • AOV: Average order value, the total revenue generated by orders by customer type divided by total unique customers in the date range.
  • AOC: Average order count, the total count of orders processed in the date range divided by the total count of customers by type.
  • ARG: Average revenue generated (time-bound LTV), the total revenue generated by orders divided by the total customer count.

Subscription stats (today)

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  • Active subscriptions (today): Count of subscriptions that have an active status as of the last day of the date range selected; by default this is today.
  • Active product count (today): Sum of product subscription lines in active subscriptions on the last day of the date range (today by default) that have an active status.
  • Active quantity count (today): The total quantity of product subscription lines in active subscriptions on the last day of the date range; if a subscription has 2 quantity of the same product, this will count as 2 towards the total.

Subscription custom date range

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  • Total subscriptions (date range): The total count of subscriptions that were active at one point in the date range; includes subscriptions that were cancelled in the period.
  • Total subs created (date range): The total count of subscriptions created in this date range.
  • Total subscriptions cancelled (date range): The count of subscriptions cancelled in the date range defined as having a cancelledAt date in the date range.
  • Subscription churn % (date range): The percentage of subscriptions who have churned in the date range calculated by subscriptions with a cancelledAt date populated as of the last day of the date range divided by the total count of subscriptions that were active at one point in the date range.
  • Same day cancel count (date range): The count of subscriptions that cancelled within 24 hours of creating their subscription in the date range.
  • Cancelled before order 2 (date range): The count of subscriptions that cancelled in the date range after the checkout order and did not have a 2nd order process.

Subscription daily graph

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  • Subscriptions created: The count of subscriptions created on this date.
  • Subscriptions cancelled: The count of subscriptions cancelled on this date.

All-time subscription values

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  • Subscription LTV (all time): All time subscription lifetime value (LTV) is the subscription lifetime value processed in Skio across all subscriptions in your store since you launched on Skio.
  • Subscription AOC (all time): All time subscription average order count (AOC) is count of all subscription orders processed in Skio across all subscriptions in your store divided by total count of subscriptions since you launched on Skio.
  • Subscription AOV (all time): All time subscription average order value (AOV) is sum revenue of all subscription orders processed in Skio across all subscriptions in your store divided by total count of subscription orders since you launched on Skio.
  • 3 month LTV (all time): 3 month lifetime value (LTV) is the average revenue generated per subscription in its first 3 months since it was created.
  • 6 month LTV (all time): 6 month lifetime value (LTV) is the average revenue generated per subscription in its first 6 months since it was created.
  • 9 month LTV (all time): 9 month lifetime value (LTV) is the average revenue generated per subscription in its first 9 months since it was created.

Daily subscription table

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Table description

  • This table provides an overview of all subscriptions grouped together by the date the subscriptions were created.
  • Since this view is on the subscription-level, if a subscriber creates multiple subscriptions across different dates or months those subscriptions will be calculated independently of one another.
  • Use this table to see the total value of all the subscriptions and not grouped by subscribers or customers.


  • Cohort size: The count of new subscriptions created in this period.
  • Total orders: A lifetime sum of subscription orders processed by this cohort of subscriptions across all time as of today.
  • Revenue: Sum of all subscription orders created by this subscription cohort across all time as of today.
  • Churn rate: The % of subscriptions who have cancelled and churned by this subscription cohort across all time as of today.
  • AOV: The sum of all revenue from all subscription orders created by this subscription cohort across all time as of today divided by the total count of subscription orders from this cohort.
  • LTV: The total subscription order revenue created by this subscriber cohort across all time as of today divided by the total count of subscriptions in this cohort.

Subscription retention

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Table description

  • This retention graph provides valuable retention data for subscriptions created in a specific month and their retention/value over time.


  • Retention by month: The count % of subscriptions created in the cohort month that were active on the last day of the column month.
  • Revenue by month: The sum of revenue from subscriptions orders generated by subscriptions in this month.
  • LTV by month: The average lifetime value (LTV) generated by month since the subscription was created grouped by its creation month.
  • AOC by month: Average order count (AOC) is the total sum of subscriptions revenue generated divided by subscription orders grouped by subscriptions created in this month divided by the cohort size of that month.
  • Orders by month: The total sum of subscription orders generated in this month from subscriptions created in this cohort.
  • Avg num of products: The total average count of active subscription lines (products) in this month divided by the cohort size of that month.


What is the difference between a subscriber and a subscription?

  • Although these terms are often interchangeable in the e-commerce space, our definitions for these three terms are important to understand.
  • A subscriber is a unique customer with an active subscription defined by their email address. Unless a customer checks out with another subscription using a different email address, 1 customer is 1 subscriber.
  • A subscription is a grouping of subscribed products that ship together in the same order that all have the same shipping frequency.
    • If customer 1 checks out with Product A and Product B both on a 30 day frequency, Skio will group these 2 products together under the same subscription ID for that subscriber and that is 1 subscription.
    • If customer 2 checks out with Product A in January on a 30 day frequency and goes through checkout in March with Product B on a 30 day frequency, then those 2 products will be on separate subscriptions and each will have their own subscription ID and thus count as 2 subscriptions.

What are the custom date range metrics and what is their value?

  • Custom date range metrics empower you to view important KPIs for both subscribers and subscriptions created in a specific date range.
  • The cohort dashboard aggregates metrics for both subscribers and subscriptions over all time, on a daily basis, and on a monthly basis; custom date ranges allow you target specific date ranges to help you avoid having to manually calculate these values.

How is the all customer table defined?

  • This table includes both subscribers and one-time customers so you can compare the values of each customer type.
  • Subscribers are defined as a customer who has ever had a subscription (in Skio), even if they cancelled all of their subscriptions so you can understand the value of the high-valued customers.
  • Total orders and revenue processed include all orders, both subscription and one-time purchases per customer type.