Performance dashboard Performance dashboard

Performance dashboard

Table of contents

Dashboard overview

🎉 May 2024 updates  🎉
  • Added one-time (non subscription) order data
  • All Revenue metrics includes a sum of subscription and non-subscription order
  • A daily breakdown table that is exportable
  • This dashboard will include all the important, high-level metrics an executive will care about.
  • Understand the performance of your store with an overview of revenue, orders, and subscriptions metrics.

Things to keep in mind

  • Dashboard filters
    • Use the calendar selector to change the date range for this dashboard.
    • Adjust the comparison period with the compare to calendar selector.
  • Our dashboards update every 4 hours and will likely show a lag compared to Shopify for "today's" values.
  • Hovering over any metric name will display the metric's definition and hovering over the comparison % number will show the compare to value.
  • Want a walkthrough of the dashboard? Click the "i" icon button in the upper right hand to trigger a tutorial wizard.

Performance overview

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  • Subscription revenue: Total subscription revenue processed from subscription orders in the date range. 
  • Subscription revenue: Total subscription orders processed from subscription orders in the date range.
  • Active Subscriptions: The count of active subscriptions as of the last day of the date range; by default this value is today.

Daily granularity table

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Overview tab metrics

  • All revenue: The sum total of all revenue generated from your online store including one-time (non subscription) purchases and subscription orders (both checkout and recurring).
  • Subscription rev: Total revenue processed from subscription orders. This total includes subscription revenue from checkout orders, all recurring orders, and 1-time add-ons.
  • First time sub rev: The sum of subscription revenue from first-time checkout orders.
  • Recurring subscription rev: The sum of all revenue from recurring subscription orders (excludes checkout) in the date range selected.
  • One-time add-on revenue: This is the sum total of all revenue brought in through 1-time add-ons in subscription orders. 1-time add-ons are not recurring subscriptions but products added to a subscription order once, typically via the customer portal or through quick actions.
  • All orders: The sum total of all orders generated from your online store including one-time (non subscription) orders and subscription orders (both checkout and recurring).
  • Subscription orders: Total subscription orders processed. This total includes subscription revenue from checkout orders and all recurring orders.
  • First time sub orders: The sum of subscription orders from first-time checkout orders.
  • Recurring sub orders: Total subscription orders processed from recurring subscriptions. This total excludes checkout subscription orders. 

Subscriptions tab metrics

  • Active subs: The count of subscriptions with an active status on this day.
  • Active subscribers: The count of unique subscribers (customers) with at least one active subscription on this day.
  • Products on subs: The sum total of all active products in subscriptions.
  • Dunning subs: The total count of subscriptions with a failed status on this day.
  • Paused subs: The sum of subscription revenue from first-time checkout orders.
  • Activations: The total count of new subscriptions created on this day.
  • Cancellations: The total count of subscriptions cancelled on this day.


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  • Current MRR: Your store's active MRR as of today (see FAQ section below for how this is calculated).
  • MRR Added: The MRR created in the date range from new subscriptions created. 
  • MRR Lost: The MRR lost in the date range from subscriptions that cancelled.


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  • All Shopify revenue: Total revenue processed from both one-time (non subscription) orders and subscriptions orders. 
  • All Subscription revenue: Total revenue processed from subscription orders. This total includes subscription revenue from checkout orders, all recurring orders, and 1-time add-ons.
  • Non-subscription revenue: Total revenue from one-time (non subscription) orders.
  • First-time revenue: This is the sum of all revenue from first-time subscription orders generated at checkout in the date range selected.
  • Recurring revenue: The sum of all revenue from recurring subscription orders (excludes first-time/checkout subscription orders) in the date range selected.
  • One-time add-on revenue: This is the sum total of all revenue brought in through 1-time add-ons in subscription orders. 1-time add-ons are not recurring subscriptions but products added to a subscription order once, typically via the customer portal or through quick actions.
  • First-time orders: This is the sum of all orders from first-time subscription orders generated at checkout in the date range selected.
  • First-time AOV: The average order value (AOV) from subscription orders processed via the first subscription order, typically at checkout. 
  • Recurring orders: The total number of recurring subscription orders in the date range. Recurring orders are non-checkout subscription orders processed through Skio.
  • Recurring AOV: The average order value (AOV) from subscription orders processed via the 2nd order and greater excluding the checkout order; since the first order is typically via checkout the first recurring order would be order 2 for a subscription.  
  • One-time add-on orders: This is the count of all recurring orders that have a 1-time add-on included in the date range selected.
  • One-time AOV: The additional average order value (AOV) added to subscription orders from  one-time add-ons included in their recurring order (excludes checkout). This total does not include the recurring products, it is isolated to the revenue generated specifically from add-on one-time products in a subscription order. 

Daily revenue

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  • Each column is a sum total of subscription revenue per day of the date range.
  • The stacked column provides a distribution of subscription revenue from first subscription orders via checkout and recurring subscription orders.


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  • All Shopify Orders: The sum total of all orders generated from your online store including one-time (non subscription) orders and subscription orders (both checkout and recurring).
  • All Subscription Orders: Count of all subscription orders.
  • Non-subscription Orders: Count of all one-time checkout (non subscription) orders.
  • First-time subscription orders: The sum of all subscription checkout orders.
  • Recurring subscription orders: The total number of recurring orders processed in the date range. Recurring orders are non-checkout orders processed through Skio.
  • One-time add-on orders: This is the count of all recurring orders that have a 1-time add-on included in the date range selected. Add-ons always process in recurring orders. 

Daily active count

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  • Each column is a sum total of subscription orders processed on that date.
  • The stacked column provides a distribution of orders from first subscription orders via checkout and recurring subscription orders.


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  • Active subscriptions: This is the total number of unique subscriptions with an Active status on the last day of the date range selected. This metric excludes subscriptions in dunning. Subscriptions are defined by having a unique subscription ID. Use the Active Products metric to find the count of individual products on subscription and Dunning Subscriptions for subscriptions in dunning.
  • Active products: This is the number of active, individual products (subscription lines) that are on subscription as on the last day of the date range selected. This count is representative of each product on subscription in your store and excludes products that are in a subscription in the dunning process. This number excludes 1-time add-ons and Surprise & Delight gifts.
  • Active subscribers:  A count of total Active Subscribers on the last day of the date range filter. This is the total number of unique customers or subscribers and is different from subscriptions and product subscription lines.
  • Activations: This is the count of newly created subscriptions during the date range.
  • Product activations: This is the count of all new product subscription lines created during this period from new subscriptions created at checkout, splitting subscriptions, creating new subscriptions manually, and adding additional products to an already active subscription. The metric is counting individual product subscription lines created.
  • Subscriber activations: This is the count of all new customers who were created in the date range that didn’t previously have a subscription. If a subscriber cancelled a subscription and checked out with a new one, they would not count towards a new subscriber since they previously checked out with a subscription.
  • Cancellations: This is the count of all unique subscriptions cancelled during the time period. If a subscription contains multiple subscription lines, the cancellation would only count once since it’s per sub ID.
  • Product cancellations: This is the count of all subscription lines cancelled during the date range. This count includes all the product subscription lines and is different from cancelled subscriptions; each subscribed product counts as its own product subscription line.
  • Subscriber cancellations: This is the count of customers who has cancelled all active subscriptions. Customers may have multiple subscriptions, but there can only be 1 customer per store.
  • Dunning subscriptions: The count of all unique subscriptions that are currently in dunning with at least 1 failed billing attempt as of the last date of the date range selected.
  • Dunning products: The count of all product subscription lines that are currently in dunning with at least 1 failed billing attempt as of the last date of the date range selected.
  • Dunning subscribers: The count of all unique subscribers that are currently in dunning with at least 1 failed billing attempt as of the last date of the date range selected.

Daily active count 

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  • Provides a breakdown of the daily count of active subscriptions, products on subscription, and unique subscribers.
  • This graph paints a full picture of the growth of your subscription performance over time.
  • Hover over each column to see the active count for that day.


What is all Shopify orders and revenue?

  • With our latest dashboard update, Skio now displays all orders and revenue from your Shopify store including both one-time checkout purchases and subscription orders. You can now see how much of your total store revenue comes from subscription orders directly in this dashboard without needing to use Shopify analytics.

Do you have net revenue metrics?

  • Yes! By default, our dashboards show gross revenue before additional discounts, shipping, and taxes are applied. In the top right corner of the dashboard, there is a toggle for discounts, shipping, and taxes; each one can be toggled on and off individually. 

How do you calculate MRR?

  • Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) is a measure of the predictable income you can expect to receive every month from subscription recurring revenue. MRR is calculated by multiplying the subscription price by the frequency of shipments in a month.
  • For example, if a subscription is shipped weekly, then the MRR would be four times the subscription price, as there are four weeks in a month. Similarly, if a subscription is shipped bi-monthly, the MRR would be half the subscription price.
  • Current MRR is the value as of today, whereas MRR added and MRR lost is the MRR value added from new subscriptions and MRR value lost from subscriptions that cancelled.

How do the comparison %s work and how do I select a specific period for comparison?

  • By default, our dashboards compare the last 30 days to the prior 30 days for each metric. You can adjust the comparison period manually using the compare to date selector at the top of the dashboard. If you adjust the dashboard's date range, the compare to date range will automatically adjust to the prior period of the new date range selected.

What is the difference between subscribers, subscriptions, and products (subscription lines) on subscription?

  • Although these terms are often interchangeable in the e-commerce space, our definitions for these three terms are important to understand.
  • A subscriber is a unique customer with an active subscription defined by their email address. Unless a customer checks out with another subscription using a different email address, 1 customer is 1 subscriber.
  • A subscription is a grouping of subscribed products that ship together in the same order that all have the same shipping frequency.
    • If customer 1 checks out with Product A and Product B both on a 30 day frequency, Skio will group these 2 products together under the same subscription ID for that subscriber and that is 1 subscription
    • If customer 2 checks out with Product A in January on a 30 day frequency and goes through checkout in March with Product B on a 30 day frequency, then those 2 products will be on separate subscriptions and each will have their own subscription ID and thus count as 2 subscriptions.
  • A product subscription line or subscription line is each individual product on subscription
    • Using the example above, Product A and Product B both count as a subscription line regardless of whether or not they're in the same subscription.
  • Using the above examples, customer 1 counts as 1 subscriber, 1 subscription, and 2 subscription lines; customer 2 counts as 1 subscriber, 2 subscriptions, and 2 subscription lines.