Updating and Adding Credit Card in the Customer Portal Updating and Adding Credit Card in the Customer Portal

Updating and Adding Credit Card in the Customer Portal



Skio has added a new feature where customers can update and add new payment methods to their account through the customer portal. 

Add Credit Card

This setting allows subscribers to add a new credit card within the customer portal. This setting needs to first be enabled within the Skio dashboard by going to Customer Portal > Portal settings. Toggle on the option to Use in portal payment management. Make sure to hit Save at the top of the page. CleanShot 2024-05-02 at 14.44.11@2x.png

The customer can then login to their customer account and click "Edit" beside the billing section.

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Then select "Add new payment method"

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From there the customer can fill in their new credit card details and hit "Next."

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After that, they can add the billing address and hit "Add card"

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Update Credit Card

This setting allows subscribers to update their existing credit cards in the Skio customer portal. After loging in the customer can follow these steps:

Click "Edit" beside the billing section.

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Click "Edit" under the credit card you want to update.

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Make any necessary changes, and hit "Save changes"

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Change Default Payment Method

Customers can change the default payment method through their customer portal. 

Select "Edit" beside the billing section.

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Select the payment method you'd like to be your default, and then click "Set as primary payment method." 

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