Merge and Split Subscriptions Merge and Split Subscriptions

Merge and Split Subscriptions



  • Multiple subscriptions for a single customer can be merged.
  • This simplifies billing and shipping for a customer who has multiple subscriptions but wants them all to be billed together
This is a new feature that Skio has built and as such we are calling it a beta and might have some unexpected behavior as we continue to test and refine it. If you are not comfortable with the chance of potential technical issues with this feature we ask that you give us some time to complete it. If you want to help us build and perfect this new feature please activate it and report anything out of the ordinary to our support team at We thank you for your continued partnership.

Merge Subscriptions


Enable merge subscriptions in the dashboard settings by going to Customer Portal > Portal settings.Screenshot 2024-11-26 at 9.41.23 AM.png

How to Use

Customer Portal

In the customer portal, a subscriber can merge their subscription if the setting has been enabled in Skio Settings. Once enabled, a "merge subscription" option appears in the customer portal. Here are the steps a user would take to merge their subscription:

  1. Select “Merge subscription”



2. Pick one or more subscriptions to merge into the current subscription


3. Click merge


Notice the subs are immediately updated (the merged from subs are canceled, and the existing sub is updated with the migrated products and associated discounts as well as rules applied).

Merging subscriptions is available if:
- Currency for both subscriptions matches
- Status for both subscriptions is Active
- Max Cycles for both subscriptions match (or are not set)
- There is no free shipping discount present on lines to be merged

Split Subscriptions

Setup is simple - Toggle on the setting found in Customer Portal > Portal settings.

Screenshot 2024-11-26 at 9.42.09 AM.png

How to Use

Customer Portal

In the Customer Portal, a subscriber can split their subscription if the setting has been enabled. Once enabled, a "split subscription" option appears in the customer portal. Here are the steps a customer would take to split their subscriptions:

  1. select “split subscription”



2. Select the products that should be split into a separate subscription



3. Once the user clicks "split", the products selected will appear in a new subscription


If a subscription is not eligible to be split the option will not appear. Here are the conditions where splitting a subscription is ineligible:

  • Any prepaid subscriptions
  • Containing a one time upsell
  • Surprise and delight products are added
  • Discounts are applied to the subscription


What happens when subscriptions are merged with an out of stock product?

  • The merged subscription doesn’t check or behave differently with the OOS product during the merger.

What happens when subscriptions are merged with different intervals?

  • For example, we merge Subscription 1 (4 weeks) with Subscription 2 (6 weeks). The merged subscription will take on the interval of whatever Subscription 1 is  (The subscription where the "merge" button was pressed.) This gives you the ability to pick any interval between the subscriptions being merged.