What is a Volume discount?
- Volume discounts allow you to automatically discount your customers' subscriptions when they hit the criteria of your choosing!
- This can be a great way to reward your most loyal customers who buy multiple products from you
Within Skio, you can set it up to automatically discount your customers' subscriptions if they have a certain quantity of products in their subscription. For example, if a customer has 3+ items in their subscription, they could automatically receive an extra 5% discount!
When setting up your volume discount, you can choose what type of discount to offer - whether it's a percentage off or fixed amount discount - and which products qualify.
Volume discounts apply to any and all recurring orders but won't apply to the first order.
How do I set it up?
- Go to your Skio Dashboard
- Click on Rules on the left-hand menu
- Click on + New Rule at the top of the page
- Choose Volume discount as the type of discount, then Continue
- Select which products you'd like to offer the volume discount on, then click Continue. You can also click Select All to choose every subscription product.
You can select multiple products here, and if your customer has multiple applicable products in their subscription, all of them would qualify for the discount.
For example, if I were setting up a rule to save 5% with 3 or more products in the subscription, and I were to select all products here, if my customer had 1 pup friend, 1 nature pup, and 1 cheeky wolf in their subscription, they'd quantify for the 5% off. This would also be true if they had 1 pup friend and 2 cheeky wolfs, and so on.
If you want to make it so customers only save for buying a specific type of product, say save 5% when buying 3 or more shampoos, you'd want to set up a rule and add only the shampoo products to that rule, and repeat this for any grouping you choose. If you want to encourage buying multiples of a specific product, you'd make a new rule for each product. - In the next screen, there are a few fields to complete:
- Click Done to create the rule
- Hit Sync all rules in the top right corner
This rule will be now created and live on your site (unless you set up the start date under e to start in the future). Your customers will start being eligible to receive the volume discount.
How to delete a Rule
- Go to your Skio Dashboard
- Click on Rules on the left-hand menu
- Click the trashcan next to the rule you're looking to delete
Note: if a rule is deleted, any existing discounts will still stay on active subscriptions using that rule, but no new subscriptions will use the now-deleted rule.
How to edit a Rule
Follow the above steps about how to delete a rule, but click on the black pencil icon instead of the trashcan icon. This will allow you to change which items are included in your bulk discount. You won't be able to change other details about the rule, but the products it applies to can be changed.
Volume discount banner
You can notify your customer within the subscription portal that they are eligible for a volume discount. The banner will show up above the subscription and will be shown if the customer partially qualifies for the discount.
How do I enable/disable the banner?
- Go to your
- Skio Dashboard
- Click on Portal Settings
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and look on the right side
- Toggle the setting Hide "Volume discount" banner